मिनरल वाटर बॉटलिंग प्लांट

Mineral Water Bottling Plant is required to fill purified water in different size bottles for selling them into the market. It consists of water filling nozzles, large storage tank, conveyor system, capping assembly, and a PLC control panel. This plant is also provided with a rejection unit which eliminates the entry of empty or partially filled bottles. Water is generally packed in polyethylene terephthalate bottles assuring their light weight and leak proof nature.

स्वचालित मिनरल वाटर प्लांट

Automatic Mineral Water Plant is comprised of several units including chlorine dosing system, raw water storage tank, activated carbon filter, sand filtration system, RO assembly, ozonation system, and micron cartridge filter. It produces water with up to 4 times more calcium & magnesium as compared to normal tap water. This plant is capable of removing chlorine odor, color, pesticide, organic & inorganic impurities, and heavy metals from the raw water.

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